The Election Commissioner (EC) said that there is a plan to deploy the army in the upcoming 12th National Parliament election. Anishur Rahman. He said that although the army has already performed its duties in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, there is a plan to deploy the army throughout the country in the 12th National Assembly elections.
On Monday (November 27) at noon in the Rangamati District Commissioner’s conference room, he said this to the journalists after an exchange meeting with the election officials of Rangamati and Khagrachari on the occasion of the twelfth national parliament election.
EC Anichur Rahman said that instructions have been given to the Ministry of Home Affairs to speed up operations to recover illegal weapons in the hilly areas. Along with illegal weapons rescue operations, all forces including the army will also work to ensure that legal weapons are not used illegally.
He said that the Election Commission will do whatever it takes to complete the upcoming 12th National Assembly elections.
In response to a question from the journalists, the Election Commissioner said, “We do not see that there is any deficiency in the election environment.” Everything is fine in the process we are going through.
Non-participation in elections is a matter for registered political parties. We have called them again and again, this party depends on their leaders, their party decisions said EC Ahsan Habib.
Chittagong Additional Divisional Commissioner Muhammad Anwar Pasha presided over the discussion meeting, Rangamati Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain Khan, Khagrachari Deputy Commissioner Md. Sahiduzzaman Besides, upazila executive officers of Rangamati and Khagrachari districts, district election officers, officers-in-charge of all upazilas and upazila election officers were present.