Ishwardi (Pabna) Representative:
A housewife named Sharmin Shila (32) has been hacked to death in Ishwardi of Pabna. Her husband was injured in the incident. After the incident, the locals arrested the attacker and handed him over to the police. The incident took place at Munshidpur village in Dashuria union of the upazila around 8am on Tuesday.
Sharmin Shila is the wife of Ranaur Rahman of that village. Detainee Sumon Ali (30) is the son of Azgar Ali of Saraikandi village of the same upazila.
Additional Superintendent of Police Firoz Kabir of Ishwardi Circle said they lived on the third floor of a three-storey house. Housewife Sharmin Shila was doing household chores. The husband was asleep. Her mother-in-law went out for a walk. The main door of the house was open. At that time, the accused Sumon entered the house and started beating the housewife Sharmin with a sharp weapon.
The assailant also hit her when she came to save her husband. At one stage of the scuffle with him, Ranaur threw the assailant Sumon down from the roof of the house. Later, the locals arrested the injured and informed the police.
Upon receiving the news, the police went to the spot and arrested the accused Sumon and recovered the body of the housewife. The injured husband has been admitted to Pabna General Hospital. The accused Sumon has been admitted to Ishwardi Upazila Health Complex under police guard.
He added that the exact cause of death was not known. However, initial speculation is that the incident may have been due to previous hostilities. Even then the details are being investigated. The body has been sent to Pabna General Hospital Morgue for autopsy.